Safety Tips During House Showings for Homeowners and Real Estate Agents

image of a silver door handle with a key inserted in the lock

One of the most important topics that should be covered during a staging consultation is how to protect yourself (both homeowner and real estate agent) and your valuables during home showings. Opening a home up to the public has its risks, and it is not uncommon for personal property to disappear. While the chances are low that anything will happen, it is good to be aware and not take any chances.

Top Stolen Items during open houses and home tours:

  1. Prescription and non-prescription medicine
  2. Jewelry
  3. Cash
  4. Small electronics
  5. Tools
  6. Designer handbags
  7. Tools
  8. SSN’s and important paperwork
  9. Spare keys and garage door openers
  10. Collectibles

What Homeowners Can Do to Protect Themselves and Their Stuff:

  1. Think about what you want the public to see
  2. Watch how boxes are labelled (avoid “taxes” or “valuables”)
  3. Know that buyers will open cabinets, drawers, closets, etc.
  4. Pack up all valuables and take them off-site
  5. Discuss open house options with your real estate agent

What Agents Can Do to Protect Their Clients:

  1. Remind sellers that buyers can be nosy
  2. Tour the home prior to listing and make sure valuables are not visible
  3. Stay with your buyers throughout the showing
  4. Know who is liable if something is stolen (it varies per state)
  5. Enlist a second agent at an open house
  6. If you witness a theft, leave the room and call 911, never confront the “thief”

Real Estate Agent Personal Safety Tips:

  1. Make sure someone knows your schedule
  2. Be aware and “trust your gut”
  3. Get a safety app on your phone or watch
  4. Stand by the door in each room you are touring and watch clients (not your phone)
  5. Follow clients in hallways, on stairs, and know your escape routes

At the end of the day, potential buyers are free to roam a property they wish to buy. It can be challenging as an agent to monitor all the activity of their clients, but awareness is important. Staying informed about the risks of opening a home to the public along with showing homes to strangers will protect you from potential harm or loss.

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About the Author

Kira is the founder and owner of Zestful Design. She recently won the award for Best Interior Designer in Maple Grove. Kira’s interior design work has been featured in Maple Grove Magazine. She has written articles on home organizing, decluttering and design for Maple Grove Magazine, Plymouth MagazineLake Minnetonka Magazine, UMBRA and Minnesota Parent Magazine. Kira speaks regularly on podcasts about home organizing and decluttering. She has also taught staging and decluttering classes for realtors throughout the Twin Cities.

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