Prior to listing, sellers need to hear negative feedback about their homes in a constructive and empowering way so they are moved to make the changes that are in their own best interest. A professional stager not only has the vocabulary but also the authority to deliver the information.
Realtors work with their clients over an extended period, requiring good rapport and trust. Telling a seller that their pet is stinky or the paint colors they chose are too personal can strain the relationship. Enter a professional stager. Realtors have an opportunity to frame recommendations made in a staging consultation into a positive way to make more money.
What are the top things I gently encourage homeowners to address when getting their homes to sell?
As much as we’d like to think we don’t stink, we do! Top culprits are pets, shoes in closets, food, and antiques. Navigating this discussion with the client can be tricky, but I always be sure to mention it when I notice it. Smell is scientifically proven to be the most powerful memory.
Paint Colors
The area where I get the most push back during a staging consultation is with paint colors, mostly red walls. Interesting right? A can of paint is around $50 and labor is free if the client DIY’s. Consider how much that simple investment can impact the offer.
These are very personal and do not always appeal to buyers. They can hold a lot of odor. Removing them makes rooms feel bigger and brighter. Taking rods down looks better in photos. I am frequently asked “don’t the buyers want them?”
Bottonline, if you want to make top dollar on your home when you sell, listen to what the home stager says with an open mind. They are there to help and not to criticize. The buyer’s taste is not your taste. Instead, dream about how you will be decorating your new home!