Organizing your home is commonly thought of as an aesthetic life improvement, simply visual in nature. Neatly placed baskets in the pantry or a tidied closet, while pleasing to look at, can actually have a more profound impact.

The benefits are both seen an unseen. Possessions not only take up physical space, but psychological space as well. There is a direct correlation between reducing superfluous belongings to improved emotional wellness. Think of your mind as that cluttered storage room.
The “seen” benefits are most obvious, such as less stuff cluttering your life. Your surroundings will feel more beautiful, you’ll be able to find items easier, and your physical safety will improve because you are less likely to trip or have items fall. You are also more likely to invite friends and family to see the revitalized space (post-pandemic of course).
The unseen benefits are far more profound. Getting organized is proven to improve sleep, reduce stress, enhance productivity, heighten creativity, revive self-esteem, reduce anxiety and depression, nurture relationships, assist in weight loss, boost energy, improve finances, and free up time to improve other areas of your life. Whoa! Read that list again.
Life changing to say the least. I have observed these changes nearly 100% of the time when working with individuals who have made the decision to address over-owning and getting organized. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about their transformation from overburdened and stressed to relieved and revitalized. It is remarkable!
Certainly getting to that transformative state takes some work. You’ll learn to flex your “letting go” muscles. Oftentimes, spaces get a little messier while sorting through things and determining their future in your life. You’ll likely uncover items that are deeply meaningful and you’ll find yourself filled with emotion. You might be tempted to take back items set out for donation, ginning up all willpower to leave it be. It is a process, but one that is rewarding and life-improving. A professional organizer is best equipped to help.
I really can’t state it clearly enough: decluttering and organizing will transform not only your living space but also your physical and emotional health. Guaranteed!