Have you looked at your piles of clutter and said to yourself “I just don’t know where to begin?” That is a common roadblock because decluttering is a daunting task. Letting go isn’t particularly easy for some and as a result the volume of stuff keeps building. Let me help! Here are four easy steps to get started decluttering.
Visualize – Begin with the end in mind. Think about your overall goals for the space and what you hope it will look like once the clutter is gone.
Seek Help – Professional home organizers, like Zestful Design, are here to assist in clearing the clutter and organize your surroundings. The National Association of Productivity and Organizing (NAPO) is where you can find accredited home organizers in your area.
Who Will Benefit? – Start thinking about who can benefit from the items you are no longer using. Do you have a favorite donation site? Would a friend or family member like an item? Could you sell it? Knowing where your stuff is going is an important part of letting go.
One Box Per Room – A simple way to start is by placing one box in every room and label it “donate.” Fill it overtime as you pass through the room. As soon as it is full take it to a donation site. By this point, you should be ready to start with the home organizer so give them a call and schedule an appointment!
Above all, remember to give yourself grace. Know that there is no shame for what has accumulated. Offer gratitude to the object for the purpose it served. Saying goodbye is okay. The benefits of decluttering are plentiful and you are worth it!